IT and Security – A Love Story

Breaking down barriers between IT and Security teams is key to a successful partnership. Learn how to align your priorities and work together towards a safer future. #ITsecurity #cybersecurity #collaboration

The article discusses the traditional rivalry between IT and security teams in organizations, which stems from their differing priorities. IT prioritizes stability and availability, while security focuses on locking down systems to reduce risks. However, the article suggests that these teams can learn to work together through various strategies, including justifying IT’s effort by explaining risk and potential impacts, defining operational processes for collaboration, agreeing on changes that improve security while minimizing procedure adjustment, educating IT on security, eliminating competition between IT security and operations, having ongoing conversations, ensuring security understands the network, collaborating to respond quickly to cyber incidents, and giving kudos when IT teams accomplish goals. When both teams align their goals and put the organization’s welfare first, they can have a successful partnership.

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